Gypsy Soul

Released: January 26th, 2024

Written by: Sarah Cornelia

Producer: Johan Benjamin Breivik 

In the song Gypsy Soul, Sarah Cornelia expresses her restless spirit and the constant search for something more, beyond control. 

It's all about being a free spirit, driven by a strong desire to discover and explore.

The inspiration for the song comes from the term "gypsy soul", which describes someone who is adventurous and feels restricted when they're not able to change and have new experiences. 
People with a gypsy soul are passionate and easily inspired by different ideas, attitudes, and experiences.

Throughout the song, she describes how she's seen and experienced so much, yet she never feels satisfied. She's always seeking more and trying to escape from life's low points. 

Moving around has been a big part of her life, making it challenging to feel like she truly belongs anywhere. It's ironic that even though moving can be tough, it has become a kind of "comfort" for her. Settling in one place is difficult because she's used to things always changing.

After many relocations and brief acquaintances, she's wondered if she might be quickly forgotten and if she needs to achieve something big for anyone to remember her. This inner conflict is a constant struggle between the desire to find a place to belong and the urge to keep searching.